Search for Enforcement Case
To search, enter a value for at least one of the following. *
Enforcement Case Number:
Example: 01-0123
Street Address:
Example: 123 Main St
City, State and ZIP:
Example: Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Searching with partial information is permitted.

For example, enter Street Address "1234" to find records
for addresses that START with that house number, on any street,
such as "1234 W Main St".

Use a "wildcard" character - "%" - to search for words in the MIDDLE.
For example, enter "%Lauderdale%" under City, State, and ZIP to
find records for all addresses in Fort Lauderdale.
Be advised that data and other information derived from searches may not constitute all of the data or information that may be available. While due care has been exercised in maintaining this database, parties who have reason to use such information - or the absence thereof - to justify a business or other transaction are encouraged to seek independent corroboration of the legal or regulatory status of the property or facility in question. For more information, visit broward.org/planning.
Screen ID: 23757280